Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Il Viaggio a Roma

         For my first assignment I will be critiquing and recollecting the travel suggestions of the popular "Frommer's Rome day by day".

It has been several years since I was in Rome, but I will do my best to accurately represent the amazing experience using maps, pictures and descriptions. 

Site 1

"From Big to Bigger"

On my first day in Rome we headed from our hotel towards the eagerly anticipated Colosseum. On our way we stopped at the Palatine Hill, a site mostly underhyped in my humble opinion.

                 Palatine Hill

 Where:  The most central of the 7 hills on which the city of Rome is founded upon.

The original City of Rome was founded on these 7 principal elevations. As show in this image they were surrounded by a protective wall. The River Tiber acted as a natural border towards the entrance of the city on the lowland side to the east.  The hills were originally encampments and small settlements whose peoples would grow together to form the basis for the Roman populus. As you can see the central hill is our current subject.  Starting at 12 o'clock and proceeding clockwise the remaining 7 hills are as follows:

Quirinal Hill: Named after Quirinus a Sabine deity this hill is known in modernity as the seat of the Italian Head of State. (*Fun fact Quirinus is the first name of Harry Potter's Professor Quirrell)
Viminal Hill:  This is the smallest hill, it houses the main railway station as well as the Teatro dell'Opera.
Esquiline Hill: This hill marked the exterior of the original city limits and housed the exquilini leading to the modern name.
Caelian Hill: A settlement of the Alba Longa in monarchal Rome, this area was converted to a wealthy living community.
Aventine Hill: Mythical home of the Cacus, this housed another conquered tribe of the Roman monarchy.
Capitoline Hill: Perhaps the most famous hill of Rome, home to the Campidoglio.

-- As can be seen by this outline of Rome, the founders selected the location with great deliberation. The unique elevation of the area allows for good vantages of the surrounding area. The river protects on the west and the elevated lands persist to the north-east. This city is an excellent example for how the Roman Empire itself expanded. When new groups were conquered or acquired they were segregated just as the groups were segregated on the Hills of Rome. The surrounding wall represents the boundary for the Roman Empire which would expand to unite a vast majority of Europe and beyond. --
When: This site is ideal as your first destination as it is the mythical and perhaps factual location of the founding of the great city of Rome. According to legend the brother's Romulus and Remus. Historically the architectural remains on the site can be dated back to 1000 BCE. 
 What:  As the name suggests, this hill was the site for the ruling Palaces. If you refer to the above satellite image the archaeological site is vast.

1000BCE-  First settlement
509-44 BCE- Republic Era Palazzi
27 BCE- 476 CE- Empirical Era Palazzi

In the 16th Century the hill was acquired and renovated by the prominent Farnese family.

 Who:      Some recognizable rulers who lived at this site include Augustus, Vespasian and Domitian. 

Due to the very organic development of this site the ruins are vast and many layered. These palaces and courtyards are less well preserved in comparison to other sites in Rome but they give an interesting look into the more private lives of Rome's ruling class. If you travel there some things you may see:

 Domus Flavia
The private peristyled courtyard of Domitian's palace.

Palace of Septimius Severus

Site 2

After enjoying this site we walked towards the iconic Colosseo. On our trip we first passed in front of the Arch of Constantine which our guidebook describes as

" Decorated largely with sculpture looted from earlier emperors' monuments [spolia]. . . commemorates the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, in which Constantine defeated the emperor, Maxentius, after having a vision of the Christian cross."

This is the event that supposedly prompts Constantine's conversion to Christianity.

Site 3

The Colosseum

The architectural marvel that defines the Roman Empire. This amphitheatre was created by Vespasian and finished by Titus thus giving it the initial name of the "Flavian Amphiteatre"  The outer stones of this building were stripped in the middle ages leaving a skeletal structure that is now being restored.

Il Colosseo

To the right side of the structure you can see the original unrestored building. To the left the columns have been restored in their original Doric, Ionic and Corinthian orders (in ascending order). 

It is common knowledge that this space was used for spectacles. Gladitorial battles and even naval reenactments. The interior floor of the Colosseum is no longer visible and the intricate tunnel systems and "Green Rooms" are now open to public view. The benches that housed tens of thousands of Romans are now only restored in part as the original stones have been stripped away.
                                                                        Colosseum Interior
As seen in this picture there is a small zone of restoration of both the Emperor's seating area as well as the original floor. It is worth noting that this building accomodated its 60 000 plus occupants with a fully functioning lavatory system.

Although this structure seems one of a kind, the only truth in that is found in the magnificent size of the building. Roman amphiteatres (modelled after their Greek predecessors) can be found in many of the Roman occupied states. One that has been converted for common day use for bull-fighting is the Roman amphiteatre in Arles, France. 

Arles Amphitheatre
Though not nearly to the scale of the Colosseum this building gives a great perspective of how the Flavian amphitheatre may have looked and felt during its initial use.

Site 4

The Roman Forum

This website is an awesome way to explore the Roman Forum and see some reconstruction and present day versions of the buildings found there.

As the main area of government in the Roman Empire this space like so many others in Rome has organically grown and decayed over the centuries.  

~to be continued~ 

Monday, 21 January 2013

Introductory Post

Dear World,

My name is Elizabeth Jewlal . This is not my first blog, however this is the first time I have approached blogging in an academic capacity.
A little about me, I am currently 19 years old in my 3rd year of the Honours Specialization in Art History. I have many interests in the realm of art history including but not limited to: Asian ceramics, Ancient Egyptian Sculpture, Gothic Architecture, Byzantine metalworking, frescoes in several cultures. I was initially in the Medical Sciences program at Western U and switched in my second year to pursue my passions. Intertwined with my love for art comes a passion for travel and new experiences. I enjoy trying new foods, speaking new languages and engaging with new cultures. I also enjoy photography on a very amateur level. I try to engage with subjects in many media such as photography and drawing or sculpture. 
I enjoy engaging with peers on many topics and look forward to working with my fellow classmates to explore the course work this term. The best way to explain who and what I’m about is visually so I will attach a selection of pictures for you to browse through.  These are some of the architectural marvels that inspire me to take this course.

This is the Church of Our Lady before Tyn found in the beautiful Czech capital of Prague. One of my favourite churches and the first time I was ever inspired to sketch a building!

The medieval remnants of the city wall in Tallinn, Estonia. I find that walls are often omitted when touring various places as they slowly become integrated into the modern architecture of the city. As a UNESCO World Heritage site, the medieval city of Tallinn has beautifully preserved and restored these features.

The final destination I would like to mention in this introductory blog is that which I was fortunate to view over the winter break. I had the chance to go to Mesoamerica and visit two sites, Tulum in Mexico and Altun-Ha in Belize.
This picture is of a portion of the wall surrounding Tulum. This section has been left unrestored which I found inspiring. I am envious of those who witness sites for the first time and this gave me a small glimpse of what that might be like.
Thank you for reading and viewing. Hope to hear from you in the future! I`ll leave a few more pictures for your enjoyment.

 Tulum and Altun-ha (face at bottom-right)